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On Wednesday 19th October, Speakers Trust escorted 20 very excited Regional Champions to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University for an insight into university life.
We were met by the Schools Liaison Officer, Sam Twells, who guided us to the Parker Room where Dr José Marcaida M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D led an extremely interesting session on the painting Les Meninas by Diego Velázquez.
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This was followed by a tour of the Parker Library and a brief history of printed texts from medieval manuscripts to the first printed books.
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After lunch, the students were shown around the college by some undergraduates which gave them the opportunity to ask all manner of questions! The day was wrapped up with a presentation from the Schools Liaison Officer who dispelled many myths about Cambridge University and answered yet more questions from the young people.
All in all, a thoroughly insightful day enjoyed by everyone!
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